Last night we had a small gathering at one neighbor's house. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in late fall, Norm had a heart attack in February, and Jean and Bill are planning a trip to Alaska. Lots to catch up on.
Today is dawning beautifully but we're expecting very high temps (90's) and high winds which means fire alert. Oh, brother. What does fire alert mean? Here's what weatherunderground says: A red flag warning means that critical fire weather either occurring now... or will shortly. A combination of strong winds... low relative humidity... and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Extreme fire behavior? Sounds like hell.
So, as I drive to Mankato this morning, I will scan the horizon for wildfires. I won't throw any combustibles out the car windows. I won't burn any leaves when I come home. I think that's about all I can do in terms of preparedness.
I checked out wildfire images on google. Too scary to use.
I've been lazy in the glamour department lately. Regis sent me a news report about all the vile infections you can get in your eyes from false eyelashes so I cast those by the wayside for now. Make-up is such a chore when you start from scratch. So, here I am. Early morning. Not much hair. Pajamas and red slippers. Big old cardigan sweater. And notice Kermit the Frog on the shelf behind me.
Drinking coffee and playing Solitaire...what I do best.
I saw the radiation oncologist yesterday. He asked about my fatigue which I rated a 4 on a scale of 1-10. He asked about my quality of life and I didn't hesitate to say 10. Some days, like this one, my heart is near to bursting with happiness. I told him I attributed it to enjoying ordinary things like the patio, the birds, our dog, our friends and family, warm and sunny days. It's a good way to live.
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