Thursday, May 02, 2013

no snow!

We didn't get any snow but just to the east of us, they got slammed with about a foot. We can now proceed with spring.

There is a fat squirrel eating seed out of my bird feeder. We put peanuts out for him for a few days but he went through a lot of peanuts so we quit. I talk about him like it's always the same squirrel. I wish the red-winged blackbirds would go out to the cat tails where they belong. They hog the feeder and the tree where the birds wait their turn.

I cleaned out a cupboard where I store cleaning supplies and mops and such yesterday. There was stuff on the bottom I hadn't looked at in years. I should go through all my cupboards as I'm sure I would find the same archaeological evidence in all of them. That's the kind of stuff I think I should do but don't. Stuff.

Last week, my goal was to stand up at 9 o'clock and get moving. Today, it's 9:38 and I'm still sitting. I don't like to have too many rules.

Regis is in the shower. He's dropping me off downtown so I can do a few errands while he and Gus go to the dog park. I better get going or I'll be going to the bank in my pajamas.

1 comment:

Marie said...

I've been to the bank in my pj's -- no one said a thing.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...