Monday, May 06, 2013

starting round #3 today

I was off the grid for the weekend. Partly because we were busy but also because Regis bought me an iPad and I spent hours repeating the same actions over and over so I can remember them. It seems like everything is different...arrows on the left, button on the right, tap to change screens. Old dogs and new tricks.

I spent a lot of time looking at apps. I have an app that will make a grocery list. I have several apps for photos. I have an app for Etsy and one for Kindle. It's a big old crazy world.

My radiation treatment starts today at 9:45. I made the mistake of telling the receptionist once that I was there for a radiology appointment. She corrected me and said they are very different. I'm not sure how...should have asked. I was more nervous about radiation last week. As is always my MO, when it comes right down to it, I can set my fears aside.

Regis and Gus will squire me to the appointment. It won't take long and maybe we can stop at a dog park between here and there.

My plan to start gardening this weekend didn't turn out so well. It was rainy and 42 degrees on Saturday so I said nay to that. Gardening should be pleasant, not torture. There are hopeful signs: the hostas are starting to poke through the ground and orioles are back at the feeder. The shamrock plant that Regis brought out of the basement only a week ago has exploded with new growth.

I read two books in the last two weeks. One on my Kindle and one on the iPad. I checked them both out of the library and returned them yesterday without even leaving the house. Amazing. Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk was good. The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb was ok. Not great but interesting.

We're going to Nicollet to pick up our grill bundle of meat at Schmidt's. If it's 70 and sunny this afternoon, I'll be sitting on the porch swing watching Regis grill steaks.

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observations from my first day of school

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