A couple of winters ago, I posted pictures of the garden bunny as he was covered with snow. A couple times, even his ears didn't poke out of the snow and he's about two feet tall. My friend, Mo, in New Orleans and her husband, Cliff, got quite a kick out of the bunny and all the snow. They requested a new picture of the bunny in his summer surroundings. He looks better in chives than all that snow!
There's a long story about this little item (about 4 inches wide to start) but it involves radiation and skin eruptions so I won't tell the whole thing. My doc prescribed some antibiotic cream and the nurse gave me this to keep the dressings on. She said to put my head through the top and my arms through the tiny holes. It worked and looks like a fishnet tank top. Not to be worn in public by itself, believe me.
Turns out, after wearing this fashion statement for 24 hours, it helps some issues and aggravates others. The next few weeks could be rough, dermatologically speaking.
Regis took this picture of Ella and Alex at Whiskey River after our bird identification adventure. We had a great time and they did a great job finding the birds. We saw grosbeaks, finches, hummingbirds, orioles, cardinals, and a flock of wild turkeys.
Our neighbor, the lawn warrior has purchased for himself a new weed whacker. This thing could whack weeds in the jungle...way more than a guy needs to whack lawn grass. It sounds like a damn jet ski which is such a pleasant thing in a residential neighborhood where people are trying to enjoy some time outside in the evening.
With our wet and cool spring, the lilacs have been magnificent. These grow on the side of our house but I could smell them sitting on the patio. Ah, life is good.
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