About two weeks ago I started seeing a therapist with whom I connected right away. She had a ginko leaf framed in her office and I love ginko leaves. I thought it was a sign.
This week, I started exercising and meditating again. Both help me feel calm.
The weather was so beautiful today that I packed up my exercise bag and the book for Karen and walked downtown to the PO, not listening to my iPod or looking at my phone but being silent and trying to pay attention to each flower and each bird's song.
After my gentle exercise session, I started the walk home. As I walked down Broadway, I looked on the boulevard and there in the grass, lay this piece of pink paper. I see lots of junk when I walk so usually don't pay attention. Old phone bills are not that interesting. But this looked unaltered by the rain and winds we've had lately so I walked over and picked it up. It looked like it had just dropped from the sky. Here is what it was:
And this is what it says:
Today, may there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on to others the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love. It is there for each and every one of us.I had goosebumps as I read it several times on my walk home. Somehow, some way, that pink piece of paper landed there for me. Just when I needed it.
And Karen, since I had just finished my long email to you, I think you are part of this small miracle.
Later note: My friend, Michele, sent me a message saying that this is a quote by Saint Terese of Liseaux, adding further to the mystery.
What a wonderful synchronicity! Thanks for sharing this.
I left a comment and it went into cyber space. You are a fine example of being content with who you are. I could only hope others follow your example. It would be a much happier world. Love, Mom
i'm certain it got to the right person
dear Teresa,
I am beyond enthralled with what you found and what was written on it. thanks for some of the credit, but mostly it affirms what loving hearts that know other loving hearts believe - the answers always come back to love.
if anyone deserved to find that piece of writing, it was you, dear Teresa. take it into your heart and feel the stillness, the simple truth that all is what it should be.
with as much of the light of love I can send you,
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