I have been working and sorting and organizing everywhere in my house and yard. This was my Wednesday project last week. I was bent over in the garden for hours, trimming back the overgrown and mostly dead juniper ground cover. This is not a professional brick laying job but it will keep the plants off the sidewalk and the dirt in the garden.
I have one area to do yet, under the apple tree. There are some sunny plants that need to be moved and some shady plants that can take their places. It's satisfying to work in the garden. Sort of zen like. I don't think about anything else but the cool shade and the beautiful plants.
Yesterday, sitting on the patio swing, I went through a box of pictures. I tossed decades old Christmas photos. Everyone looked pretty gross in the 80's so it wasn't hard. I have a very small pile to keep, a small pile for Tiffany and Peter to look through, and a whole bunch went in the trash.
I also have about six boxes on the rug in the living room, waiting for pick-up today. I told Regis it better go soon before it is all integrated back into the detritus of our lives.
Ella and I walked down to an estate sale on the corner yesterday. Holy crap. I came home and the urge to purge more. Those folks hadn't gotten rid of a thing in 60 years. It was amazing.
Life is good. We have been spending a lot of time on the patio. It's cool and dry here and the bugs haven't been too bad.
I talked to my NJ friend, Karen, the other night. So funny, after all these months of writing, to finally speak to each other. Also saw my old friend, Vickie, at the auction. So nice to connect with people.
Going to buy groceries this morning then have an appointment. Might spend the afternoon in the garden. If I can get that one spot cleaned up, it will be done!
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