Wednesday, August 21, 2013

blue moon

Regis woke me up in the middle of the night when the blue moon was right outside our bedroom window. He held the curtains open so I could see it. It looks like most other full moons but it doesn't happen very often and you know how I like a happening.

Regis is sleeping in this morning (probably because he was awake in the middle of the night spotting the moon) so I'm up alone to man the coffee pot and radio. It's a job I can handle.

We had another good summer meal last night. Tiffany and Eric and Elliot came over for steak, sweet corn, cantaloupe, and habanero pickles. Elliot wanted in the worst way to walk to the DQ but it was getting late. We walked there once and that's stuck in his little four-year old memory as: We always walk to the DQ!

Here's another beautiful butterfly shot from the collection. If you view it in Picassa and zoom in, you can see the little individual hairs on his wings.

My cousin in Florida, Christine, sent this beautiful photo. Once in a while we see these swallowtail butterflies here but you have to be in the right place at the right time. pretty and so fragile.
Colourful Life by Davinsky

I found this picture on Reddit so of course, it comes with no explanation. I don't know where this is or how the umbrellas are suspended but I thought it was a great photo.

Veronica longifolia Blue Giant

I had to move one of my all-time favorite plants, a Blue Giant veronica. It gets about 4 feet tall and likes sun, which we have very little of. I dug it up on a cool day and now I have to plant it when it's almost a hundred degrees. Ugh.

Well, I hear Regis and Gus stirring so I better wrap it up here and get moving. I'm changing sheets today, buying a few groceries, getting the veronica in the ground, and a few other things that have flitted out of my memory. Living my ordinary life in extraordinary ways.

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