This is the weekend of the 23rd Rock Bend Folk Festival in St. Peter. I've been to many of them...sometimes it's 40 degrees and sometimes it's 95 degrees. Although I am not a fan of extreme heat, I think it's more fun when it's hot. People are up and about more instead of being hunkered down in blankets.
There are so many colorful characters, those performing and those attending. You can see Jack Sparrow and his lady friend were wandering the grounds yesterday.
Lone Star, our favorite barbecue place in town, was one of the vendors. The delicious smell of barbecue wafted over the grounds. We had to share a half-rack. Nothing like licking barbecue spice off your fingers on a summer day.
This giant puppet from Heart of the Beast wandered the grounds, too. There were two of them and they scared the crap out of some adults I know so these children are very brave.
I thought about asking this dude to trade hats with me but Regis didn't think he'd go for it. One of my favorite parts of the festival is all the interesting folk who come out, dressed in their regalia. It's like they get up in the morning and think what the hell, I'm going to a music festival, I'll wear that insane hat.
We always buy a couple buttons and a couple raffle tickets. Yesterday, the ticket I bought for Regis was one of the first drawn for a prize. We won this lovely pottery jug. All in all, a splendid day at the park.
On to the week. It will be a busy one with my eye surgery on Tuesday and a follow-up appointment the next day. Regis will go buy groceries in the morning and I better get going on the list.
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