On October 1st, Regis and I start paying for our own medical insurance which costs a butt load of money. We're drawing funds from some annuity things we have and we thought it was all finalized. Last week, it dawned on us we needed to make sure that the deposit came before the withdrawal or there would be mighty overdraft fees. I have spent a good part of the day trying to make sure that's all good. Found out the annuity folks took out taxes which makes us short another butt load of money. A wonderful person who does financial stuff for a job (I'd rather pluck chickens.) is helping fix it. What a nightmare.
I have been awake since 3 am when Woodrow decided to play on my head. He is slumbering soundly now in his cat tree. I tried to take a nap but was agitated by the insurance fiasco so no nap for me. I should get a stick and poke him once in a while just to get even.
Regis helped me peel, slice, and freeze three bags of apples for pie and fill the dehydrator with eight trays of apples. I've made two big pans of applesauce and three pies so we have made good use of this year's bumper crop of apples on Bill's tree.
Ella and Woodrow playing hide and seek.
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