Friday, October 11, 2013


An ordinary day. I love ordinary days.

It's John Prine Day on Shufflefunction. Sweet way to start the day. Although we did hoot when one of the guests said Highway 61 builds to the "earth shattering orgasm of Desolation Row". I requested Dear Abby and heard it on the way to school.

I'm going to sub at the high school but I feel rooted to my chair and my coffee cup and so it doesn't sound all that interesting at this moment. It's only half a day but I suppose they wouldn't appreciate it if I didn't show up.

I'm continuing my de-cluttering jag. Yesterday I cleaned out two man-drawers in the, random nails, assorted glue, and other substances of unknown origin. I don't like to throw things out unless they get the nod from the man who put them there. I have thrown out valuable shit before, let me tell you.


I had a fine time subbing at the high school in a middle level special ed classroom. Nice kids, good notes from the teacher, and a couple of characters. Just what I expected.

After my half-day, I walked down to Patrick's and had lunch with Regis and Alex. Alex wanted to play what he called stick pinball. He and Regis finally agreed to call it billiards.

It was a wonderful day but it must have been a busy one because here I am, posting it a day late.

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