Wednesday, October 02, 2013

wednesday morning...then wednesday night

I really don't know how I found time to work in my previous life. This week, like most, has flown past us. It seems like there are many things to do every day. If you are poised on the brink of retirement, don't delay. Do it. There are many, many interesting things to fill your time.

These are my new glasses. I realize...not to everyone's taste so if they are not to yours, keep it to yourself. Smile. I love them. Bold. Colorful. Clear on top. Readers on the bottom. And only 40 bucks from Zenni online. Why would I pay $600 to an eye doc clinic for that?

We are getting the biggest kick out of our pets. Woodrow makes me laugh out loud as he goes in and out of boxes, chases the feather toy, leaps into the air and does a half gainer, and lands with his back arched. He would make a mighty hunter if he didn't weigh two pounds.

I decided to be an election judge this year for the school district election. I'll be at a polling place for folks outside of the city limits of St. Peter who are still in Nicollet County and are in the St. Peter district. Ho hum. They predict 60 voters and I will be there from 6 am to 8 pm and longer depending on the counting. Those of you who know me, know that the counting, or any part of the counting, should not be my jurisdiction. Don't they have a hostess? I can't count to five twice and get the same answer. If there were some sentence diagramming involved, I would be your guy. Fortunately, I was sitting by my old (in the best sense of the word) colleague, Pat Duenwald. He is a math teacher and he can add and subtract even under the influence of really good Scotch. He is the head judge and a very funny dude so the day should be just fine.

I am hearing thunder and rain drops. We are predicted to have rain for the next four days. That would be wonderful.

Regis collected from the letter carrier today the most beautiful package from my friend, Karen in New Jersey. She sent a leopard print beret (oooh la la), a scarf with the colors of an Arizona sunset, and a pair of touch gloves. I didn't know that that meant but Regis said it means you can still operate your electronic devices with the gloves. Hmmm. Good idea. And, thanks to my friend. Send light and love her way tomorrow as she will be meeting with her oncologist to set up a course of treatment for her latest cancer.

I had an elbow-length sweater on at the election judge thing. I looked down at my arms at one point and realized that I have glue stuck all over from the IVs from my last two medical procedures and that I have kitten scratches everywhere. Next thing you know they are going to ask me if I feel safe in my home.

Rain is coming heavier now. I would not want to be driving.

St. Peter has an annual event called the Nobel Conference. Brilliant scholars from around the world swarm our town and deliver made-for-the-masses lectures on things like "the edge of the universe". Regis and I, in our peasant ways, wandered to the bar late yesterday afternoon as is our wont from time to time. We realized that the incoming all had blue lanyards and name badges and did not look like they were from here. Ah. Nobel. We might have been supping Schell's beer in the company of a Nobel physicist from Sweden. We can only hope. Regis said at Patrick's, we all put our pants on one leg at a time. Yes, very democratic we are.

Well, the rain is pounding against the window, the wine glass in nearly empty, and Woodrow is in bed already. Time for me to go to sleep.

1 comment:

Marie said...

schells and a swede ... imagine.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...