Thursday, November 14, 2013

a powerful rune today


Separating paths
Attachment and
Radical severance
Using the light I now possess and
Total honesty
in my own time.

It's been a very good week. A week of sorrow and joy and healing. I told my friend, Deb, on our walk yesterday, it's like a vortex and things get tossed in over the years and finally it turns into a full-blown storm. I am more peaceful now. The wind is dissipating. I am calm.

Well, that's enough of that shit, eh?

I'm making plans for Thanksgiving. We decided a couple years ago that we really don't like turkey no matter how hard we worked to prepare it. We will have a turkey breast for the purists and as a way to serve the side dishes but it won't be the center of the table.

I'm going to exercise today and then I'll sub at HLC from 10:30-3:00. Deb and I will take our walk at 4:00. It will be a good day.

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