Monday, November 18, 2013

full moon and new beginnings

The moon was full last night. I'm not sure if the sky was clear enough to see it because I was sleeping, a deep and dreamless sleep. Woodrow tucked in the crook of my arm, Gus stretched out on the end of the bed, Regis sleeping silently beside me. Everyone should have such peace and contentment.

I'm reading a book called The Goldfinch. I wasn't sure I would like it and almost quit about three chapters into it. I like it better now and have grown attached to the main character which is what it takes for me. No action...just good characters.

We had a busy day yesterday but it included a nap so how busy can that be? I made my full of fruit and bran and nuts muffins. No sugar. Not to everyone's taste so don't expect to come here and be served one. They kind of taste like something you might crumble into the bird feeder.

I've been working on my Thanksgiving menu and grocery list. We avoid the grocery store the week of Thanksgiving because people are fucking insane. We'll go tomorrow morning when it's senior day and still busy but not AS bad. I got out my Thanksgiving binder and was amazed that last year, fresh out of surgery and mind blown, I actually managed to make a nice menu complete with a graphic.

I had to do some surveying of the family to see what the favorite side dishes are and what kind of pies to make. I didn't need to ask Young Regis...I know. Mashed potatoes and peanut butter pie. Tiffany always makes the gravy and she does a great job. She is the family gravy maker.

We're having a small group for Thanksgiving this year. I think we have had as many as 25 but this year only 7 adults and 2 kids. We could use a few more people so if you know of someone who needs a happy place to hang out...let me know.

Ella and her family won't be with us this holiday but she's coming the Sunday prior to do some cooking. I better come up with a plan because the girl likes to cook! Tiffany and Peter both plan to come early to cook, as well. Peter likes to make the cornbread Andouille sausage stuffing. I like to sit on the couch and give advice. Ha!

I'm looking forward to this week with optimism and with joy. Leaves are mostly raked and taken to the compost, bird feeders are filled, house is clean and decluttered, exercise plans are made, good food in the refrigerator to eat, friends to see.

Woodrow is sleeping in front of my monitor, purring, once in a while opening his eyes a slit to watch the cursor move across the screen. His eyes are closed now. He must have decided this wasn't very interesting.

Moving on into the day. Be sure to have fun and let your heart be light.

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