Thursday, November 28, 2013

we have so much for which to be grateful

Betty brought this kitty bed over for Woodrow yesterday. He has hardly left it since it arrived...only to eat and use the litter box. He peeks over the side once in a while with one eye open to check on the action but he has been very content there. Thanks, Betty!

Here I am in my pre-Thanksgiving mess!

Apple pie!

I'm writing a quick blog post early on Thanksgiving morning. I have been busy this week: cooking, walking, reading, and planning our feast. here is our menu:

Turkey breast
Andouille corn bread dressing
Traditional bread stuffing
Pig wings w/dipping sauces
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Green bean casserole
Cranberry sauce
Apple sauce
Pickled Beets- Habanero Pickles- Green Beans
Pumpkin pie~Chocolate pie~Apple pie

There are usually last minute changes because I ran out of time or interest. Pumpkin truffles went by the wayside this year. I think I'm the only one who likes them anyway. 

Regis and I went to the Pulse this morning and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. As we left, the sky was bright blue, there was a lovely crescent moon, and a flock of Canadian geese flew over, honking their little hearts out. It was a good sign.

See you later. I hope everyone has a joy-filled day.

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