Thursday, December 26, 2013

ah, the whole christmas season

Last year, I was in the throes of cancer treatment in December. I was a mental and physical head case so I can't remember what we ate or cooked or did. It must have have been acceptable because they all came back this year.

I subbed for six days starting the 13th and ending the 20th. I made a Christmas Eve menu, we bought groceries and we cooked everything the last few days. It was a ton of work but it was fun. I enjoyed every minute of it...but now I'm tired.

Usually I leave the tree up and decorate it for the winter holidays. But you can see Woodrow thinks it is his playground so it's going back to the basement. He is so darn cute I can't be mad at him but I am tired to picking the balls up all over the house.

I made Emerill's peanut butter pie with a chocolate ganache for dessert. The ganache was perfect which is a feat. The last piece disappeared this morning.

Gus is such an elegant looking dog. We took him up to Nicollet Avenue this morning. Regis and I went for a long walk and let him romp in the snow. He gets a big kick out of chasing snowballs.

Woodrow is relaxing under the tree. Or more likely that he is waiting for me to turn away so he can zoom to the top.

Ella and Amber made this cheese and grape Christmas tree for our Christmas dinner appetizer.

Peter and April relaxing on the sofa. Peter has grown a beard which I think looks good on him.

We had a wonderful time. Emily and I took Ella and Zoey for a walk after dark. I made a few snow angels and we waved at neighbors eating their Christmas dinners. It was a sweet evening.

Here is the whole crazy bunch. Regis had the camera set on timer and it took about thirty shots. The boys in the back always do goofy things so it's fun to see them all. You can't this many people to sit still and smile at the same time, even though most of us are adults.

So, that's it. The short and dirty version of Christmas at our house. We're ready for the holiday stuff to go back to the basement and for the Christmas carols to go back in the closet.

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