Ah, deep and dark winter.
Sun dogs are atmospheric phenomenon that create bright spots of light in the sky, often on a luminous ring or halo on either side of the sun. These have been spectacular this week. We don't get much of the sun this time of year, but when we get it, it's good.
I woke up at 3 o'clock with Woodrow draped across my surgery site, holding my right hand in his two little paws. He was purring madly. I think he knew I should be awakened from this deep sleep in a gentle way. I am awake and having a cup of tea and writing. Eventually he moved beside me but kept his paw on my face. Is this comfort or dominance? This morning, he left a big smelly load in the litter box then strutted into the other room. I think I have an answer to my question.
In an uncharacteristic burst of Friday afternoon energy, I tidied up the clothing monuments and made a box for the thrift store. I tidied up the house, putting away all the stuff I had distributed over the course of the week. I made a nice dinner.
I have a POD (plan of the day). Priorities: short walk outside, walk at the Pulse, bake cookies. I guess that's it. Oh, yes...and the fish house parade. Ella and I walked in this a few years ago and it was a hoot. We had not planned to do it but spontaneously joined up on Third Street. We picked up candy as we walked and then handed it out to kids further up the street. It's bitter cold today and I thought about an extreme weather cancellation but it's only three blocks.
I've been on the phone with Cousin Deb for TWO HOURS. I said it was a record for me but she said she was on the phone once with a friend for six hours. Then we talked about the headset which I don't have. Hence the krick in my neck. Haha! Good to talk to Deb. I can still hear her laugh.
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