Tuesday, December 03, 2013

woodrow and life

Cautiously, we brought our Christmas tree upstairs on Sunday evening. We plugged in the lights but waited to decorate, wanting to see how Woodrow would react. Here is how Woodrow reacted. He can climb to the top in about ten seconds flat. We caught him in this photo the first time he made the trip...busted.

The lights are off the tree and I have hung strips of orange peel in the lower branches. The internet says that will discourage him. We'll see. I am going to buy unbreakable, kitten-proof ornaments and we'll do our best.

Now, more than the first time I posted it, this cartoon makes me laugh. Notice the goldfish in the martini glass. I am quite sure this is what Woodrow does when we are gone. 

When he hears our car pull in, he resumes this position in his kitty bed, looking all sleepy and innocent.

I feel like my mental shit storm is finally passing and it has been a profound experience. Thanks to exercise, the sun lamp, the runes, a good therapist, good friends, my wonderful mom, my reading and writing...I am coming out of the shadows. Thanks to all who have been kind and compassionate and patient, mostly Regis. Thanks to all who have made me laugh and made me feel loved.

I am working on forgiveness for the people who have been mean and judgmental. That doesn't mean I want to talk to them today or even tomorrow, but I'm working on not giving them space in my head anymore.

Tomorrow I start my therapy for lymphedema. An hour two times a week for manual lymph drainage. Oh, boy. Time for peaceful thoughts.

It looks like the moops out there today. And the word on FB is that it is icy, too. I'd much rather have snow than ice. I've done enough penguin waddling and horizontal limbo on ice in the last few years.

We had a nice dinner with good friends, Bob and Richie, last night. The restaurant was quiet so we were able to gab and tell stories and laugh. So good for the soul.

Moving on into the day. Regis says we must be at the gym by 8 o'clock. I refuse to leave the house in the dark, so that is acceptable.

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