Somehow I discovered an interest in stone towers, or cairns. Now, my friend, Bob, is encouraging me by sending me pictures of stones he has balanced and books about cairns and poems about cairns. I am hooked although I have yet to make one myself. I have to find a few farmers with rock piles.
And David's (AKA Bob) beautiful poem. Used without his permission but I don't think he'll prosecute me for copyright infringement. I gave him a coffee mug, after all!
Stone Towers
Today I walked the yard in every
looking for stones large enough
to stack and balance,
one on top of the other, to
build a stone tower,
to say, I have been a guest in
this house. I have left
this gift of gratitude. But
there were no stones.
At Point Lookout, though, you’ll
find, facing east,
three smooth-stoned sentinels,
stones so carefully
balanced they could topple under
the weight
of a gull’s foot or an
unsuspecting hand.
If the towers fall, maybe the
Vietnamese fishermen
or the elderly couple from Ohio
or the wounded soldier
home from “the sand” or my
friends from St. Mary’s
will rebuild them, these poems
of stone––
like us, temporary testaments
to balance and fragility.
David Bengtson
The Artist House
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
October 2004
Gus practices down dog on my yoga mat.
But your personal memories (sans editors and hashtags) are harder to recollect – which makes the new iPhone app Kennedy so darn intriguing. Kennedy – named for the iconic question "Where were you when Kennedy was shot?" – isn’t a traditional diary; it’s a push-button moment immortalizer that automatically remembers contextual data surrounding an event.I'm going to quit here for now. I went to the pulse and did 40 minutes of cardio exercise so I am feeling the need to lie deown and play a little Scrabble...or maybe read some of Saints of the Shadow Bible.
So, you’re watching a sunset. You’re thinking, “This is nice.” You may not pull out a conventional journaling app and wax poetic about the sunset, but you might open Kennedy and press the screen. When you do that, the app instantly collects the current date and time, location, weather conditions, and news headlines, with options for a note or photo. Months later, you can scroll back and trigger that sunset memory based on the surrounding details.
It’s one diary you won’t get tired of writing.
1 comment:
Dont ask me why but my husband, who grew up in TX and CA, calls cairns 'ducks'. I think he's just weird.
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