Tuesday, January 21, 2014

the passage

Ah, the runes that signify the end of my journey, although Mary would caution me to not move too quickly, to be patient. I told her yesterday, the process has been like wading into a slow moving river and being swept gently to another place.

I heard this morning that Winston Borden, my Facebook friend, passed away last night. I remember him from Almanac and when a friend of mine suggested following his cancer journey on Facebook, I did. His was not an easy life but he was quite a philosopher and gentleman. He will be missed by those who knew him personally and by those who knew him through his cyber community.

I have been at my desk for a long time this morning. There are book reviews to read: Ian Rankin (one of my favorite mystery authors) has a new book out, Saints of the Shadow Bible, and will be in Minneapolis Saturday night. Too bad it's at night and too bad it's so far away. Ah, well.

I have a wonderful plan for the week. Things to bake, things to write, things to mail, things to pack up for the thrift store. It occurred to me yesterday that I should gather some of my favorite things on the table and take a picture so those of you who worry about my minimalistic tendencies will know that I still have favorite things.

And so, my day begins. Just like this.

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