Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Regis spent a lot of time blowing snow yesterday. He moved it all, then the snow plow came by and closed up the sidewalks and driveways again. He is tired of it and plowed this path to the grill as a sign to the snow gods. I remember hearing stories of snow plow drivers in Chicago during a bad year, going crazy and smashing cars with their plows. That's how I remember it...doesn't mean it's accurate.

We have a lot of snow. Except for the trips to Mankato, usually along 169, we don't venture out of town. I keep saying I'd like to drive out in the country just to see how it looks but we don't do it. I must be content in my warm little house.

I spent a very lazy day yesterday, napping, drinking coffee, playing Scrabble, reading. It was so peaceful and just what I needed. Mary called about noon and wondered if I could come at 1 pm and I said yes. I had been thinking about talking to her. We had a lovely visit and I left feeling comforted and encouraged.

Regis took Gus to the dog park while I was at my appointment. Since it was a holiday, the park was full of folks and dogs. Gus loves to run with other dogs so he had a great time and came home snow-covered and tired.

This is a busy week again...subbing today, YMCA tonight, AARP taxes tomorrow, cancer appointments on Thursday, YMCA Thursday night, subbing Friday. I am not planning anything next week.

I finished the book The Call: A Novel. I really enjoyed it. Here's what the back cover said:
The daily rhythm of a veterinarian’s family in rural New England is shaken when a hunting accident leaves their eldest son in a coma. With the lives of his loved ones unhinged, the veterinarian struggles to maintain stability while searching for the man responsible. But in the midst of their great trial an unexpected visitor arrives, requesting a favor that will have profound consequences—testing a loving father’s patience, humor, and resolve and forcing husband and wife to come to terms with what “family” truly means. 
The Call is a gift from one of the most talented and extraordinary voices in contemporary fiction—a unique and heartfelt portrait of a family, poignant and rich in humor and imagination.
I have one more Longform essay to read (written by a 93-year old man) and then I'm going to start Stillwater by Nicole Helget. She is coming to St. Peter soon...must mark the date and time on the calendar.

I see the post Oh, Betty has 88 page views this morning. I am always curious about who is reading a particular post and how they stumbled upon it. And what they think after reading about my funny friend who spells out buns with rocks so she will remember where she put her keys.

Off to school.

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