Sunday, March 02, 2014

medical and a busy week

I had a second bone density scan a week or so ago. I knew it wouldn't be good because I had one in October of 2012 and that was not good...osteoporotic, as they say. That makes me laugh...sounds like chicken erotica. Osteoeritica. What the hell.

So, I have been reading about the medicine and I am not inclined to take it. Risk of esophageal cancer? Risk of uterine cancer? What the hell. If anybody has advice about this, I am taking a survey. I am going to change the settings to make it easier to comment so if you are reading this and plan to try to sell me viagra or a russian bride, forget it. You will be caught by my spam filter!

I am subbing Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. We are working at AARP Wednesday. I have the YMCA Livestrong class Tuesday and Thursday nights. Regis starts training for his new job. It's a busy week so I am trying to get my marbles in the right slots by organizing the grocery list, the menus, the weekly calendar, and my wardrobe. Did some laundry and cleaned the refrigerator yesterday. Even changed the sheets today and plan to iron a few things. If you look up in the sky, you can probably see pigs flying.

Richie: Here is a link to the article I was telling you about. It's called THIS OLD MAN by Roger Angell who is 90 something. Here's a paragraph:
I’ve endured a few knocks but missed worse. I know how lucky I am, and secretly tap wood, greet the day, and grab a sneaky pleasure from my survival at long odds. The pains and insults are bearable. My conversation may be full of holes and pauses, but I’ve learned to dispatch a private Apache scout ahead into the next sentence, the one coming up, to see if there are any vacant names or verbs in the landscape up there. If he sends back a warning, I’ll pause meaningfully, duh, until something else comes to mind.
Betty and Tom: It's March 2nd and it was 20 below this morning. The sun is brilliant and makes you think it's warmer than it is. I was tempted to open the bedroom windows but I knew better. And your post Oh, Betty has been read by more than 400 people!

Celebrating Harvey's good news. One year and cancer-free!

1 comment:

mom said...

I saw my NP the other day and she asked if I wanted a bone density test. I told her thank you, but no. I took Fosomax for a short time and then read all the horrible side effects and thought all old people get thinning bones so I quit the Fosomax. I told my NP I was a peasant in my former life, as look at me I am as sturdy as an oak tree.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...