Saturday, September 06, 2014

the best day ever

I have two grandsons, both five years old, born within a week of each other. They each had their first day of kindergarten yesterday. I decided on my way to yoga this morning that I am going to emulate them in a couple of ways.

Alex, quieter and not as demonstrative, gets so excited about everything but expresses it as "This is the best lunch ever! This is the best band ever! This is the best ice cream ever!"

Today, walking home from yoga, I decided this is the best day ever. I slept until 7, mostly sound and restful sleep. I went to gentle yoga which I loved. So peaceful and energizing at the same time. I went for coffee with Michele, ran into several more friends, had a wonderful egg sandwich, saw lots of gold finches and sun flowers, and enjoyed the autumn-like breeze and lower temps. So there is my Alex emulation...the best day ever.

Elliot is the louder and more demonstrative one. Every person he meets, he runs to and hugs with unabashed joy. He will stop what he is doing and say, "I love you SO MUCH, Nana!" He always hugs his cousin, Alex, goodbye at the end of a visit. Today, I am hugging the people in my life who love me, the people in my life who have supported me, the people in my life who bring me joy. This is my Elliot emulation...I love you all SO MUCH!

It's been a long and slow moving river of change. I feel like I waded in about five years ago and had no idea where I would end up on the other side. There have been so many scary moments...and so many absolutely beautiful, heart-wrenching moments. What a journey. Gratitude has been my partner through it all. Even in the darkest of times, I tried hard to be grateful. I wrote a list of 100 things I am grateful for and sent it to my surgeon...things I could not do prior to surgery. And it was easy. I think I could do it again today. 100 things to be grateful for on this...the best day ever.


Jill said...

Love it, Teresa!

Anonymous said...

You are the best!

Anonymous said...

Try again. Deb H!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...