Saturday, October 11, 2014

middle of the night and the next morning

What a busy such a beautiful way.

I won't even be able to remember all the nice things that have happened.

Tiffany came the other day and we cooked up a storm. I guess I did write about that.

Today, I had the maiden voyage of the writing group I have organized. It was small but lovely. I read the new beginnings poem, Michele, and we talked about our process and out plans. I said friends are welcome but only if they are not sticklers on rules and such. Who needs that?

Then I had a lovely massage from my friend Cheryl and made it just in time to make it to my sub job. My favorite gig is when I work one hour and get paid for half a day.

I had to bust up one group of little recidivists who were intent on causing trouble. Apparently, they had no idea who there were dealing with as I can isolate the ring leader in thirty seconds flat and take away his power and then they got nothin' on me. This little squirt, when I asked him politely to move to a different desk had the audacity to ask why, I gave him a very minor stink eye and said we needed to speak in the hall. I think he knew then he was dealing with a new sheriff who was packing heat in the form of a pretend pearl handled Luger that shoots blanks. He whined a little but eventually did what I asked. He didn't realize I had experience going back to before hi daddy was born. He knows now.

My only regret is that I forgot to wear leggings. I hear they are frowned upon which only sparks my rebellious side.

The massage meant my hair was in a minor state of disrepair. One sweet young girl said not to worry...I was working it pretty good so I acted the part.

I raced down to to the MoFo liquor store to buy a bottle of Apothic Dark while it as still available. I asked the fellow working if he had any idea how long it would be available, He explained to me the meaning of "seasonal". that, Dude. Doh.

I came home from school, picked up a necklace at Patty's Stone Throw Gallery, and got the Cuban bread in the mixer for Cheryl's dinner party. Cuban bread is a hand kneading, all done in the machine or the mixer, two hours start to finish, Of course, do not ever bake your bread in a bread machine, Ugh.

When I took the bread to Cheryl's, I met up with Stan and Betsy. Even though I had made a list, I had forgotten things so I had to tread home to collect them. And then, when I returned, had a lovely visit with their guests, one of whom knows Gus and Regis from the dog park. Her parents who were there also, are from the South. Like Oklahoma. We had a funny chat about accents and North Dakota and such. They suggested that when we colonize Mars, Siberians, North Dakotans, and Alaskans could be among the first to go as they are so hearty.

Well, I' m off to bed,

Just got done editing this. Apparently, commas and periods look a lot alike in the middle of the night.

I have another nice day planned. Peter and April are stopping by this morning to pick up an errant pair of swim trunks that ended up at Betty's house. I posted a photo of them on FB and April said they had been searching high and low for them...and needed them today.What amazing forces in the universe.

Other random October photos...

I would love to be bundled up and pushed around town like this!

I remember this elation so well!

And look at Zoey's joy at riding her bike!

I love this photo! It reminds me of ET for some reason.

More pics today. Such a beautiful October!

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