Saturday, December 13, 2014


I love the holidays. Really, I do. But it's so easy to get overwhelmed with busy-ness and shoulds. This year, I may not do cards or a letter. We're trying to be guided by what feels right in the moment. Being in a hurry does not feel right.

Things I do love: Santa, shopping for surprise gifts, baking, sharing food with friends, mailing things to small children, holiday music (I have a new playlist with more than six hours of music!), and some version of decorating. I remember seeing in a magazine once, pictures of a family in a huge log home decorated by professionals, they wore matching pinafores, and even the men and the dogs matched. There wasn't a thing out of place. Yeah, that's not what it looks like here, but we've decided to be happy with our imperfection.

Last night we went to see some great music at the Wine Cafe in Mankato. The venue was a little small for the large sound but it was fun. Today, I'm taking a friend to Mankato to a shop in Old Town. Regis thinks he has to drive the Gus bus tonight but it isn't on the calendar so he might be imagining that. I have more baking to do....bread, cut-out cookies for the kids to frost tomorrow, and my grandma's molasses cookies with white frosting and sprinkles. 

Yesterday I mailed a bag full of packages. I sent a package to Mom, to our friends in Iowa, to the Legendary Stardust Cowboy, to a woman in Louisiana, and little packages of knitted finger puppets to the small children of nieces and nephews. I have a few yet to to my cousin in Denver, my cousin in Arizona, to Karen in New Jersey, and to three little girls in Ohio.

This week will be busy. Haha! I ran into a woman I know who works at the elementary school in town. She asked if I would be interested in subbing for the nurse. First, I said yes, that might be fun. But...I asked, "Will there be puke involved?" Oh, yes, she said, lots of puke. Nope, can't do it.

Well, off to commence my busy-ness again.

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