Regis is so good about taking Gus for at least one long walk, even on the coldest days. He has scoped out the spots in town to go where it is less icy on the icy days, less windy on the windy days, less sloppy on the sloppy days. This is part art and part science.
I like to go but as with most things, I am a fair weather walker. I dread going out in the icy wind so most times, I don't.
Regis had a complete blood panel done the other day and the difference walking has made in his health would make a believer out of you. His doctor is going to jump up on the exam table and crow like a rooster. Ha! I'd like to see that.
I had a sleep study done on Monday night. I have had trouble with insomnia for years...waking in the middle of the night and unable to go back to sleep. It gets worse then it gets better, then it gets worse. I slept like a baby in the sleep study, even with a hundred wires, an oxygen meter on my finger, and something in my nose. Go figure.
I usually wake up at 4 am. This morning, I am awake, baking a turkey breast for dinner and muffins to take to our volunteer gig at the AARP tax center. I had forgotten how much I loved baking in the early morning, jazz on the radio, a cup of coffee, a quiet house. I thought about going to the gym this morning but it's still below zero and I can't quite make myself face that in March.
I'm getting rid of an old hutch in the kitchen today and replacing it with a more modern looking (and cheap) shelving unit. Thus will begin my kitchen reorganization. Also have plans for more painting.
We haven't had cable tv off and on for about ten years but we are getting it back on Friday. There are a lot of things I dislike about television, mostly that it's everywhere (clinic waiting rooms!) but there are some things I miss about it, too. I'm anxious to start watching the cooking channels, the movie channels, and maybe a little late night talk show now and then. With the DVR, it's a whole new technology!
We worked at the tax center yesterday and I enjoy the people so much but one of the hard things is that you see how some of them have declined in health drastically since last year. One lovely lady who was so perky and beautiful last year told me she had been falling a lot. It made me sad.
As I am revising this post today (the next day), the hutch is gone and the other shelves are assembled and in place. I am trying to come up with a plan so it doesn't look like the shelves at the thrift store. I looked online for open shelving in the kitchen, but ah....these were way fancier houses than mine and I could not relate.
I haven't reported here yet that I have a new job. My job history since I retired has been sketchy, at best. I worked at the coffee shop for a little more than a year but the cancer business disrupted that job. Then I decided I would sub. A lucrative job but there were some downsides and I finally had to admit that...I have an aversion.
I think it was having to teach about the Dark Ages when I learned that crap in the Dark Ages was one thing. Having to answer (or dodge) math-related questions was another. Ugh.
So, I popped into the Lone Star one day to inquire if they might have a job for me. Hostess? Does it involve any math? Is it part-time? Score. Score. Score. I go in today to learn the table numbers and the routine. I am excited. Visiting with people is what I do best.
I hear Regis in the other room saying good morning to Gus. Time to move on into the day.
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