Genevieve who brought me 10 wild flowers for my garden
The man in town for his 50th reunion at GAC who asked lots of questions about St. Peter and who loved his BBQ lunch
The customer who said he was late because two lanes of traffic were stopped so a family of ducks could cross the road
Old friend, Sharon, who made a Saturday morning splendid with shopping and breakfast and chatter and who, everywhere we went introduced me to her friends
The lady at the tea shop who gave us samples of strawberry white tea and shortbread cookies
Tom who gave me tickets to the rodeo
Darlene in Black Dog Antiques who told me the story of how the crocheted skirt I was buying was commissioned to be made for her in Malta
Kim at Encore who is always happy to see customers come through the door
The ladies at Salvage Sisters who are friendly and creative
The dishwasher at the Nakato who told us he has been washing dishes his whole life
Neighbor Jean who brought us garlic soup with Cajun croutons
Susie and Heather who shared their rhubarb with me
Kathy who came to have tea in the garden and brought me book marks, market bags, and books
Mary who cuts my hair and hugs me when I leave
Gunnar, cute as a button, who will start whipping my sorry butt into shape on June 8th
Judy, my oncology research nurse who has been an angel through all of my cancer experiences
Tom and Betty who squired us around the country-side on Memorial Day for beer, pizza, and pork carnitas
Julie who sat on the patio with us one evening
My yoga friends, Michele, Pat, Elizabeth, Ginny, Colleen, and the rest who practice yoga, break bread, and ask for blessings
Long distance friends who I have never met in person but who enrich my life: Paul in CA, Karen in NJ, Karen in UT, Joey in NY, Elaine in England
My old school friends who still think to invite me to parties
Richie who brought me the issue of City Pages with my picture in it with a sticky note that said "Pin up girl!"
The families who came in for dinner last night celebrating birthdays and graduations and grandparents in town from Africa
My Humans of New York friend, Elaine, who lives in England and wrote the sweetest note
life is good, friends
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