My day today reminds me
of the old song: Over the River and
Through the Woods. My neighbor called and wanted to know if I would
like to go to church. I eagerly said, "Yes". You see I
had not been anywhere for a week and I like to think I am a people person.
I walked over to
Linda's home and she had her car parked on her lawn. We took a little-used
road going through the woods; it was drivable but just barely. It
was what I would call a low-maintenance road. We went north, east, south
and finally west to get to my church. We had coffee after church and
were home by 11:00 a.m.
You might ask why I
could not drive myself and go to church on a city road.
A crew of men is
working on the road in front of my home. They are replacing water pipes,
sewer pipes and storm sewers. They are also going to redo the road with
new curb and gutters. They would have moved my car, but it would have been a
least a block away over a rough stretch of road. I told them I would be fine;
thinking it would be a good time to get all those things done that I have
put off until another day.
The first day I pulled
out a lawn chair and thought I would spend a half hour watching the big cats
work. Wow!! They were like a well-oiled machine. One big cat
would dig a deep trench, another would place the pipes and connect them
together, another would cover up the trench. Another machine would come
along and pack things down.
Friends would call each
day to see how I was doing; I had to admit I was fascinated by all of the
action taking place in front of my home. There were young men down in the
trenches, who with a flick of their finger would tell the cat operator to move
the huge claw over a fraction of an inch or two. I worried someone would get hurt,
but they certainly know what they are doing. I do not know when they
planned their strategy as they work long, long hours. Usually
by 6:30 a.m. they wake me with their little bells; they do not call
it a day until 8:30 at night.
Each day, I
would pull my lawn chair out where I could have the best view of what the crew
was doing on that particular day. They all have green tee shirts on and they
told me if I needed anything at all just yell at a guy with a green shirt
and they would see all of my needs were taken care of. I must say I have
a new admiration for road construction people. They are all very polite
and helpful.
Needless to say I
spent most of my week sitting in the sunshine watching the crew do their
job. I had my camera outdoors so took many pictures of the men, machines
and the work they were doing. People have asked me, "Didn't you
get bored and did you get a lot of things done?” I had to admit I was not
bored and no, I did not get a lot done. However, I did not think it was a
waste of time at all. I learned a lot of new things which is what life is all
about. I learned there are very nice people in all walks of life. I
learned there is a talent in running huge machines. I learned people watch out
for each other. I learned every job is needed and the people who know how
to do different jobs are all a very important part of our society.
My friends are
watching out for me, just as the workers watch out for each other. My
friends call me several times a day. Linda brought me groceries and took me to
church. Betty and Gary brought over a wonderful coffee cake and stayed
for a cup of coffee and chat. Nadine walked over to return a book to the
library. Paul said he would bring me whatever I would need.
Thanks to all of them. I played games on my computer and read several
books. I had a wonderful week. Tomorrow I may make cookies and
invite the construction men to enjoy them…and to thank them for a week of
Sorry boys, no cookies
I have spent the day
watching them work about twenty five feet from my house. They have a huge
hole dug down about twenty feet. I watched as they cut down a forty year
old maple tree in a matter of minutes. They are all very efficient and
know exactly what they are supposed to be doing. There are local
plumbers, electricians and others to help with the placing of pipes.
They would first place the sewer pipe in the trench next a sheet of insulation
then the smaller machine comes along and covers everything. Today they
had a short lunch break and the big Cat operator stepped out of the cab with a
roll of paper towels and a can of spray cleaner. I watched as he lovingly
cleaned the arm (or whatever it is called) of his big Cat. You could tell
by his actions he loved his machine.
It is a huge mess
right now, but in about a week I should have a new road going by my home with
new water and sewer pipes. I have enjoyed watching the progress each day
and knowing they are very careful about doing their job correctly and
Maybe tomorrow.
This is a delight to read, Teresa! Your mom is a great storyteller. She saw the human details of what most of us would view as mundane, routine work. Last summer Westy and Miles watched construction workers rebuild the road that passes along one side of their house. Like your mom, Westy didn't miss a day and he loved every minute. The only difference I can think of in their fascination with the road work is that Westy wore a (plastic) hard hat and fluorescent vest!
I remember that, Jill! Mom, you would look good in a yellow hard hat and fluorescent vest!
I should ask if they would have an extra hard hat.
Shirley, You write like you speak, with wit and wisdom! It is refreshing to hear the positive when you are living in noise, muck, and almost solitary confinement. Instead of complaining, you are looking and learning, great advice for us all.
Thanks for sharing, Jan
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