Sunday, September 27, 2015

uh oh 45 years

We went to Canby to celebrate my 45th class reunion. I was one of 150 students in the class of 1970 and 55 of us showed up to this gathering. What a hoot. We were almost to Buffalo Ridge when I asked Regis if he had, indeed, brought the camera. He gets a funny look on his face, pulls over to the side of the road, and begins to root through every possible spot in the car. He gets back into the car, makes a big-ass U-turn and speeds back toward town. He said his last memory was of setting the camera on the roof of the car while he changed out the lens cap. Uh oh.

Sure enough. In my mom's driveway is the camera. It appears to have only a cracked lens filter but we switch spots so Regis can check it out. Everything appears to work so we continue back toward Gary, South Dakota. Let the fun commence.

These pictures pretty much sum it all up...lots of goofing around, photo bombing, hearty laughter, back slapping, and hugs. It was a sweet evening.

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