Saturday, December 12, 2015

grateful 2015

I have much for which to be grateful. Way too much to be condensed into a list but I will try. Don't think I'm going all Pollyanna because I'm working on a list of complaints, too.

1. I am grateful for a feeling of safety. There are so many horrible things happening around the world, and so much evil talk about the horrible things, that a person could be terrified every day. I limit my exposure to it by not watching the news and by reading very little about it, but I am aware of it. I am so thankful that I live in a small town where I don't have to worry about being shot at or accosted.

2. I am grateful for access to such good food. Not only do have more than enough to eat but we can buy fresh, organic food that's grown locally. How sweet is that?

3. I am grateful for my family: my mom who came to visit for Thanksgiving, my nephew who traveled to New York City for a spectacular honor, my grandchildren who live close and who are kind and funny people, my kids who come to sit around our table and tell stories, my sweet husband who thinks I am beautiful.

4. I am grateful for technology. I have apps! I can open my iPhone with my thumbprint! I can text the people I love! I can take pictures with my phone and they appear on my computer! Ain't life grand?

5. I am grateful for books. I read two marvelous books this week: The Miniaturist and Our Souls at Night.

6. I am grateful for what Kent Haruf calls the precious ordinary. I am grateful for the fat squirrels who feast at our feeders. I am grateful for my sweet friends across the country, some of whom I can't remember how I met. I am grateful for good coffee and for Papa Murphy's pizza. I am grateful for my Christmas ornaments and I am grateful that during the great purge of the last few years, I kept a few things.

7. I am grateful for naps. I love a good nap.

8. I am grateful for warm sox and a heated mattress pad.

9. I am grateful for music and laughter. I saw part of Hank and Rita Thursday night and I am going to a comedy show tonight. Bless all their creative hearts.

10. I am grateful for my health and for my young and cute as a button trainer. He kicks my ass and makes me do 30 second Superwoman exercises...four times!

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