Thursday, March 17, 2016

peaceful morning

Elliot is off to school, Regis is sleeping, and I am drinking coffee and watching the grackles, juvenile delinquents of the bird world, marauding through my bird feeders,

Elliot read books at the table while he ate breakfast. He had a bagel with cream cheese and our cat is currently obsessed with dairy products. In order to keep Woodrow away from Elliot's bagel, I treated him to a tiny dish of milk on his cat tree. Apparently it was too much for his tender tummy because he drank it all, then turned and projectile vomited all over the floor. He just missed a basket full of my shoes, a fact for which I am grateful.

Can you see Gus's nose peeking out from under Elliot's arm? Not sure if he wants to hear about manners at school or if he's looking for a handout.

It's St. Patrick's Day and we aren't celebrating with a big party as we have from time to time. We are planning to go to the parade, have corned beef and cabbage and Irish soda bread, and dress in green. It is going to be chilly which means I can break out the red wig and big green hat.

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