Tuesday, March 01, 2016

two months into this

It's March 1st and Regis and I are two months into caring for our grandson, Elliot full-time. Somehow, we are making it work even though we always said we couldn't do it. I have all kinds of inspirational messages tacked onto the refrigerator and other vertical surfaces. Reminders to be calm and things will work out for the best. I love this one.

As you can imagine, in the beginning, there was some stress. This was a good reminder. We weren't used to cooking three meals a day, getting a little kid off to school, remembering to do homework, and making sure he had clean clothes in the morning. Every week, we get better at this.

These are some of my favorite pictures from the last few months. You can see it has not all been stress and chaos...there have been some very sweet moments.

Alex turned 7 on the 19th of February and Elliot on the 27th. We celebrated at our house and it was an adventure. This happened on Friday afternoon.

I was leaving Family Fresh when this balloon came off my cart and flew across the parking lot. A nice, young employee ran to grab it. He gave it back to me and I thanked him. I turned around and my cart full of buns, birthday cupcakes, and my purse was rolling rapidly toward 169. It could have been a disaster but he ran and caught that, too!

These two entries were on my Facebook memories today. Good to remember as we woke up to three inches of new snow!


Met Bob Bergstrom at Triple E's Cafe in Arlington for dinner. Quite a hoot of a place. An aproned and baseball capped cook came out of the kitchen with his guitar and sang happy birthday to a little dude who was celebrating with cupcakes and his shrieking baby sister. Good stories and laughs with an old friend. A good way to celebrate the first of March.

Garrison Keillor said that God made March so people who don't drink know what a hang-over feels like. Does that mean we think it's spring but it isn't and we're tortured with more snow and cold? I want to be more optimistic than that. Spring is coming! Happy March!

That is all for today, my friends. Make it a good month!

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observations from my first day of school

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