I had my six month oncology appointments yesterday. I had a blood draw at 7:30, saw my research nurse at 9 and the doc at 9:20. He forgot to send the order for Zometa so I waited three hours until he could order it and the pharmacy staff could get back from lunch. What might surprise you is that I didn't even come close to losing my mind. I was a very patient patient. One of the numbers on my blood panel was slightly elevated so I have to have a CT scan. I only deal with generalities regarding medical crap so don't ask about details. I pay a boatload of money to my oncologist so he can pay attention to the details. We decided to do it in Waseca because I could in today and maybe get the results this afternoon. No urgency about it...I didn't feel like waiting until July to have it done in Mankato. So, while I always have a small kernel of dread in the pit of my stomach when it comes to these things, I try to balance that by reminding myself that the answer is already wri...