
Showing posts from June, 2016


I had my six month oncology appointments yesterday. I had a blood draw at 7:30, saw my research nurse at 9 and the doc at 9:20. He forgot to send the order for Zometa so I waited three hours until he could order it and the pharmacy staff could get back from lunch. What might surprise you is that I didn't even come close to losing my mind. I was a very patient patient. One of the numbers on my blood panel was slightly elevated so I have to have a CT scan. I only deal with generalities regarding medical crap so don't ask about details. I pay a boatload of money to my oncologist so he can pay attention to the details. We decided to do it in Waseca because I could in today and maybe get the results this afternoon. No urgency about it...I didn't feel like waiting until July to have it done in Mankato. So, while I always have a small kernel of dread in the pit of my stomach when it comes to these things, I try to balance that by reminding myself that the answer is already wri...

it's been loud in the neighborhood

I've ranted about this in the past, but today, I proclaim I have found a solution. Some people just have to make noise. My neighbor came home with an industrial sized weed whacker. The kind they use in the bush. The kind that will take down brush as high as your head with trunks as big as your finger. He thas a tidy, conservative's lawn that is manicured frequently. His need for a brush whacker is questionable. So, believe it or not, I am done complaining about this issue. I keep a pair by the door and don them whenever the noise pollution problem starts climbing up my spine. It's the human condition that the more irritated you get by something, the more irritated you get by something. I am going to be a better problem solver and not such a complainer.  We have a dilemma. We love the Blues Fest which is this weekend but the weather forecast shows temps in the 90s. Seriously, we have been at this festival when we have had to go home to get extra clothes, blanket...

midnight at the oasis

I'm not at the oasis. It's almost 3 a.m. and I can't sleep. I have tried now I just got up to make a couple of lists and to write on my blog since I have been slacking again. Regis and I joined a digital camera club and our assignment for the meeting tomorrow night was to take night photos. Regis is much more accomplished at this than me (he can talk f/stop and ISO like a champ) so he coaches me some and I hope I ended with something that won't get me laughed out of the room.  I took this one at Minnesota Square. What drew me to it was the way the lights shone through the trees and cast an almost golden hue. I liked the lines and colors in this one. If I were better at editing, or if I had the time to learn it tonight, I would have erased that big, shiny blob in the middle. But I am not and I didn't. So, there it is. Of course, there is the fact that I have been awake all night but that doesn't always make for a well-...