Wednesday, June 08, 2016

it's been loud in the neighborhood

I've ranted about this in the past, but today, I proclaim I have found a solution. Some people just have to make noise. My neighbor came home with an industrial sized weed whacker. The kind they use in the bush. The kind that will take down brush as high as your head with trunks as big as your finger. He thas a tidy, conservative's lawn that is manicured frequently. His need for a brush whacker is questionable.

So, believe it or not, I am done complaining about this issue. I keep a pair by the door and don them whenever the noise pollution problem starts climbing up my spine.

It's the human condition that the more irritated you get by something, the more irritated you get by something. I am going to be a better problem solver and not such a complainer. 

We have a dilemma. We love the Blues Fest which is this weekend but the weather forecast shows temps in the 90s. Seriously, we have been at this festival when we have had to go home to get extra clothes, blankets, and hot drinks. Could we be just a little more consistent, Minnesota? (Does this qualify as a rant?)

Regis sent me a link to a great article this morning. 24 Things Women Over 30 Should Wear. It's a great blog. This summarizes her opinion (Swear alert.)
Women in today’s world are hit from all sides. Do this. Wear that. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Speak softly. Smile. Agree, agree, agree. Assimilate. Shut up. Stay down. The last thing we need is other women telling us what we should and shouldn’t do. Stand up, ladies, and stand together. Don’t be like Kallie Provencher. (Especially don’t be like her.) Wear what you want, do what you want, and support one another! And like all of these fabulous ladies, don’t give a fuck.
I wrote a snarky reply to a meme on Facebook that was critical of Hillary for wearing a $12,000 Armani jacket to talk about inequality. Who cares? When we are talking about the cost of the clothes men wear, then we can talk. But that will be never.

So, it appears that the first woman ever has been nominated to be a candidate for POTUS. Let that sink in for a minute. It should have happened a long time ago. 

And that rape that is in the news. I can't even talk about that.

All of this seems related but I am not sure how. I guess I will leave it to others to put this together.

If you're interested in words, this is good. Misogyny: Does it Mean Hatred or Bias?

Need coffee. And a sense of humor, apparently.

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