Tuesday, August 30, 2016

catching up; the long and random way

Several times over the past year, I have vowed to get back to regular blogging. During good times and hard times, I wanted to get back to regular writing and posting. Somehow, and for many reasons, it didn't happen.

One reason is that once you get behind, like anything else, it becomes overwhelming. Months and months of pictures and events and normal life...it's almost too much to trudge through. But this morning, it occurred to me at yoga that I don't need to catch up in minute detail. A few pictures, a few random events, some explanation. It's all good as the hip kids say.

We are feeding hummingbirds this year and the little buggers are glad we are. There are almost always at least two at the feeders from dawn to dusk. We had to train our eyes to spot their darting behavior. They move so fast and rarely sit still in a place where you can take their picture.

Peter and April got married on July 25th. It was a lovely and emotional event. I love this photo of Peter and most of his wedding party. They laughed a lot, which was so nice to see.

I haven't been sure of how to talk about this issue on my blog, but what the hell. Here goes. For the past two years, I have struggled with my abuse of alcohol. Things reached a peak the end of June and I admitted myself to the Intensive Addiction Program at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. It was a profound experience in so many ways. One Sunday afternoon, I wandered over to a nearby Caribou and had a big iced tea and wrote in my journal.

Regis took a lot of walks with Gus during my unfortunate incarceration. It really wasn't that but it was a good joke. The line is from Designing Women, a wondeerful sit com that nobody remembers anymore. So sad.

Truck wreckage. Could be a metaphor.

Annual trip to the Nicollet County Fair. Much over-priced junk food was consumed but at least we did not attend the demo derby. A guy has to have some standards.

We made our semi-annual pilgrimage to KMSU to be radio programmers for the day. Ella, also known as DJ Lil Miss, loves this gig. She plays music, tells jokes, engages in witty repartee and we always go out for breakfast when all is said and done.

I spent some time playing with Picmonkey this summer. This is my glamour shot.

And this is me standing behind the car outside the Generose Building, the scene of my unfortunate incarceration. Actually, it was considered an outpatient program with lodging so I could sign out to get a haircut or a cup of coffee. Quite civilized.

Mom came to Mankato for Peter and April's wedding. We had a splendid time and great food. Neither of stayed up late to boogie with the young folks but it was fun just the same;


April and her moms at the bachelorette party!

Such a lovely couple. I think this photo looks Gatsby-esque.

Many beautiful sunrises this summer.

Peace Garden at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester

Elliot and Jack at the rehearsal for the wedding.

So, there it is.

I'm busy with recovery stuff, groups, meetings, yoga, swimming, walking with Gus and Regis, cooking, organizing at home, reconnecting with friends, and catching up in many areas of my life. A young fellow I met in my treatment program said this: Alcohol robbed me of all the magic in my life, but now that I am recovering, I can see the color coming back.

Here we go, friends. Back to regular blogging.

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