Monday, November 14, 2016

squirrel obesity

I spent two days making lefse and flatbread. It wasn't as much work as I remember mostly since I have accepted the instant potato fact of life. There is some kind of sacred significance attached to using real potatoes but I don't get it. Last year in a taste test, nobody could tell the difference between lefse made with potatoes and lefse made with instant potatoes. Don't tell anyone but I have also started using instant potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner.

I remember years ago when Maura ordered a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a diet coke, then spoke this universal truth: You have to cut corners where you can. There you go.

Regis took Gus for a walk up on the hill last night. I resisted, having spent two days in the salt mines, but I did agree to sit on the hill and watch for the moon to rise. It was some kind of super moon (seems like we have a lot of those nowadays) and it was beautiful. Much more beautiful than the photo I took. Regis tried to talk to me about exposure and light meters and so forth, but you know me and numbers. They lift up off the page and drift around my head like dust particles.

I just heard the weather forecast for Friday. Rain turning to snow with 40 mph winds. Yeah. Not going out in that shit. Good day to stay home and read a book under a blanket. I finished a Colin Dexter mystery last night...four guys dead but I'm not sure who did what to who. Haha!

We bought a giant bag of peanuts in the shell the other day at the pet store. The words has gotten out among the squirrels and blue jays of the neighborhood. The obesity screening committee is coming tomorrow and will be issuing medical alert bracelets to our vermin.

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