I even took Gus to McDonald's for a cheeseburger. He loves the drive-thru and sits patiently while we wait. He always shares my fries, too. There was a line from hell, but we didn't have anywhere to be so we went with it.
Today, I woke up early but I quickly ran out of energy and went back to bed. I slept for three more hours. I forgot to go to the Arts Center to meet someone with a key. I'm just not used to thinking in terms of time or deadlines already. It's 12:30 and I'm not dressed and I haven't done the dishes. I've already told Regis that I can't makes pizza for dinner. I'm out of gas.
I found a couple projects that I want to do over the next few days.
So many incredible Advanced Style posts have come through in the last day. @carmen_mon_oxide ‘s ode to The Countess of Glamour is spot on don’t you think?! She writes on her post, “Doing the Advanced Style because right now people are taking about the older generation like they are disposable and have nothing left to offer. That is so far from true.” That’s exactly why I started this challenge. If you’d like to join in all you have to do is post a look inspired by one of your favorite advanced style icons along with the name of someone older in your life that you want to celebrate with the Advanced Style Challenge. I don't have a pig but I think I can pull this off. I'll share results.And this one which has a distinct demographic...you have to be old enough to know about the Ministry of Silly Walks but not so old that you can't do it without hurting yourself. That's a funny thought. Hee hee. Sometimes when you think you've given up, you just have to write about it.
I ordered these pencils and they arrived today. I've been doing pictures of flowers and delivering them to friends. I just write a note and tape them on their windows. It's a fun project.
Sunday I'm making two batches of snickerdoodles and putting them in my little library for folks who need a cookie and who doesn't. The news is so exhausting.
If I hadn't been watching the press conference/rally yesterday, I would never have believed that the potus would stand on a stage and tell 40 million people that maybe we could try injecting disinfectants into a body because it kills germs on surfaces. This plague would be bad enough if we had a leader with a lick of sense but every days feels like a new fresh hell.
Now that I have enumerated my woes, I'm going to take a shower and dress in my most flamboyant outfit and go for a walk to Caribou where I will get myself a cold drink and a cookies. And maybe see my friend, Kelly.
Love to you my friends.
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