Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Old dog, now tricks redux

 I haven't written on my blog regularly for a long time. I've decided that I am going to make it something I do routinely because I will forget how. I made a radical change to the appearance just now. I'm not sure I'll like it but here goes. It's not sky diving, but it's something.

Random photos so I remember how to add them. Everything is different. Except that Woodrow still wakes up at 4 am and checks his bowl so he doesn't starve.

More news to report. Moose freaks out when a person or a squirrel passes through the yard.  In the last week, we have this disaster.

Three pots, one plants, dirt everywhere. Dammit.

There have been happier things, too.

A return to our potlucks! So nice to gather after such a long time. Below is Easton. He and Elliot came over one afternoon to paint and hang out in the porch.


 Now some writing.

I think this laptop is for someone who is faster than me. Like a lot of things in life right now. Regis and I talked about going to Mankato to see The Wizard of Oz on the big screen but when it came down to it, we were too lazy. I have my whatever is going on and Regis has been working at 6am. I guess that's enough for our lazy old asses.

I started this post on Sunday and here it is two days later and I haven't published it yet. Zoey has been here a few times for volleyball camp at GAC, the neighbor girls have come to play with the dollhouse, and I've taken the dogs to the park. That's the extent of the excitement.

 Signing off for now. Hope to be here more regularly.

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