Almost Halloween!
Being my birthday, Halloween has always been my favorite holiday and Regis indulges me by carving one of these fancy pumpkins every year. We had a Marilyn Monroe pattern for the other pumpkin that we bought but it had already started to turn to mush so we had to forget about that. Isn't this one great? We walked a mile last night...with the dogs. About two blocks from home, there were two huge huskies, unleashed, in a yard. They came charging at Bert and Kramer, who, being terriers, put on their most ugly fighting faces. It was a brief, but unpleasant battle. The owner of the dogs was there and called them off. I'm not much help in a crisis...I clap my hands over my ears and shriek. Other than that heart-pounding excitement, it was a pleasant walk. Teresa From Regis - OK, so the walks with the dogs can be a little exciting. I am going to have to start carrying some pepper spray or someting. The problem last night is that I was too busy talking and thus was not paying attention...