Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday night after four days off

Uff da. That's all I can say. We've had such a nice long weekend and gotten so much done and been so relaxed. We've both slept all night without waking up to prowl the house at 3 a.m. I can only give credit to not working. Now to figure out a way to fund that lifestyle.

This morning I woke up with a yen to go to the new Lowe's store in Mankato. Don't ask me why. We bought a Christmas tree that's seven feet tall but narrow. I tried to find a picture of it to post but being a low-end and not pre-lit tree, it didn't qualify for the website. It seems pre-lit trees are all the rage, but I have bad history with strings of lights and I could see myself trying to untangle the lights from the branches next year.

If you've seen our previous Christmas trees, this is an improvement. I don't think we've ever had one taller than four feet. The one we had the longest was a Charlie Brown tree. I think it's official name was "Alpine tree" but you get the picture. I won't put the tree up or decorate it until November is over so next weekend I'll post of photo of it in all its skinny little glory.

The last few years I got rid of lots of stuff but this year I feel the need for gaudy and extravagant. I was attracted to the singing ornaments and the big lawn decorations today. Stop me before I make a fool of myself!

The turkey leftovers are almost gone. I have a big pot of carcass and vegetables on the stove to make broth and Regis is going to bag up and freeze whatever is left in the refrigerator. I've had my fill of lefse for a while which should not come as a surprise since I had it for two meals today.

A few days ago I posted of my need for cordial glasses. The day we went on that mission, we went right by TJ Maxx but they weren't open and I ended up buying some at Gordman's that were not exactly what I wanted. Today at TJ Maxx, I found just what I wanted... a set of four tiny stemmed glasses with a gold rim. They're all different which makes them even cooler. I bought five sets of four, thinking I would give three sets for presents but I can already feel the need to keep them all. You never know when I could have twenty people here for after dinner drinks. I have an addiction to glassware. I admit it.

Congratulations to Annie and Tanner and all the grandmas and grandpas and aunties and uncles and cousins on the birth of Miles Jay on the 23rd! A good day to be born!

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