Tuesday, August 05, 2008

happy hour

I was at an all day meeting. My dad used to say that if you had a 90 minute meeting, it was probably 30 minutes of wasted time. After 6 hours with my ass on a chair designed for a fourth grader, I don't really care who drives the school van. No offense to the person who called the meeting, of course.

Regis is still working in the home office and it's 5:15 so I poured myself a glass of wine and made a bowl of popcorn. It's like happy hour at my kitchen table.

I see at the top of the blog page, there is a planned outage at 4 o'clock PDT. This is a math problem so I'm going to pretend I didn't see it.

I signed out for a while and sat in the yard. It's beautiful outside but Regis started talking about mowing the lawn so I thought we should come in. I don't know why that bothers him today. We have weeds galore, sticks from the trees, and all kinds of other crap going on so why should long grass matter?

I had dreams this morning that I remembered. They were about someone making greeting cards out of air vents and when you opened them the pictures changed like the old Superman rings that came in Cracker Jack boxes. I don't usually remember dreams. This one seemed long and involved but was probably about ten seconds.

Boy, I'm cranky and weepy tonight. Probably the effects of my solitary happy hour. I can tell if I go on much longer, I'll get whiny.


PP said...
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Anonymous said...

Transformational and awe-inspiring. Those words would certainly never apply to any meeting district 508 has held or will ever hold. Seems to me those are words for the mountains and lakes!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...