Wednesday, August 06, 2008


This is Bill the Cat from the Bloom County, Outland, and Opus cartoon strips. If you aren't familiar, you should check it out online. The next paragraph is plagiarized from Wikipedia. I don't know if the links work or not. If they don't, go there yourself. Ha!

Bill the Cat is a large orange tabby. Originally introduced as a parody of the comic character Garfield, and saying little beyond his trademark responses, "Ack" and "Pbthhh", he has become something of a blank slate around which various plots have revolved. Numerous strips indicated that his persistent near-catatonic state was the result of drug use or brain damage resulting from once being legally dead and then revived after too long of a period. He's been a cult leader ("Bhagwan Bill"), televangelist ("Fundamentally Oral Bill"), perennial Presidential candidate (for the National Radical Meadow Party), heavy metal rock star ("Wild Bill Catt"), and, in the last months of the series, had his brain surgically replaced with Donald Trump's. He has been known to speak on occasion, most notably during the Communist witch-hunt trials he conducted, when he remarked, "Say, you don't suppose the "Jury Box" is anything like a litter box, do you?"

Paul, I bet you loved Bloom County. I might have to buy a couple of those old collections. Very timely political stuff.

Each of my neighbors has been out, one after the other, to mow or blow or whack something in their yards. It's gotten increasingly on my nerves since I got home. What the hell. There's some commotion at the county fair, too.

I think when Regis had surgery, they slipped me a mickey because I have been incapacitated for days. I have no energy and I could sleep all the time and I really don't care about getting anything done. I like to talk on the phone and I manage to get my dishes done. The rest of the time, I lay (lie?) on the couch and read. That's about it. I like to read blogs too, but a lot of my slacker friends don't update very often. Ha! Hey, I am living proof that a guy doesn't need an exciting life to fill a blog post almost daily.

I finished a book about a prostitute in the middle ages and her dwarf pimp. Honestly. It was a good book but I could never read very much at one time. I like books about the middle ages but those people are crude and violent and I don't think, all in all, a person would choose to live in that time period. I think there were too many plot lines in this book. I don't like books that don't follow a chronological time sequence (not that this one didn't...just a general observation) and I'm sure I've written about that here before. I have trouble with movies, too, that have flashbacks. I need someone to identify for me when the chronology changes. That probably makes me sound dim. As Howard says, so be it.

Regis hit a major milestone this afternoon...he was thirsty for a beer... so we went to Patrick's. We had one beer and that tasted good to him so he wanted another one. Be careful, I cautioned. Sure enough (told you so...) we had to abandon that beer in the middle. I told the bartender he won't see that behavior from us very often. One-and-a-half-beer-Regis, they'll call him. Young Regis says it's almost alcohol neglect.

Here's to lawn mowers, leaf blowers, weed whackers, harness racing, and tractor pulls. Middle America. Yes...


Amanda said...

glad you (mostly) liked in the company of the courtesan. if you want to read other books about prostitutes (and who wouldn't?), i also liked the crimson petal and the white (michel faber, late 1800s london, realllly long but totally engaging) and slammerkin (1700s--i think--london, by emma donoghue). like you, i seem to really most enjoy my historical fiction when it's crude and violent. otherwise, i find it boring.

Anonymous said...

Re: "lay" vs. "lie"
My dad (Retired Lar) always corrects me by saying, "Chickens lay eggs, people lie down."

Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Re: "lay" vs. "lie"
My dad (Retired Lar) always corrects me by saying, "Chickens lay eggs, people lie down."

Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

We're watching a history channel show about the Middle Ages as I write this. No prostitutes or dwarf pimps inside. Just Vikings looting a monastery and killing every monk in sight. Lovely folk.

PS One of the Viking marauders highlighted was called Ivar the Boneless. You figure it out!

Anonymous said...

That was supposed to read: No prostitutes or dwarf pimps IN SIGHT. Duh.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...