Monday, January 12, 2009

dark vortex in my head

I came home at noon, put on every piece of microfiber I own, turned the mattress pad up to high and took a long nap that felt like I was sinking into jello. I've felt woozy in the head since I got up but I managed to do some cooking. I don't like being sick and find that if I activate my endorphins, I can usually avoid illness or at least shorten it. I've a great believer in endorphins. Whatever they are.

Regis and Peter cleaned the walks and took my Christmas stuff to the basement. Hurray that was worth the cooking.

We got our Yaktrax in the mail today but neither of us have the gumption to put them on and go outside. They look like the clear deal and we plan to give them a trial run when the wind chill gets above thirty below. Don't look for any "Charlie" running down the driveway with and without the Yaktrax to illustrate the pratfalls that are possible.

We watched the Golden Globes last night. The young men all look alike and the women are very glamorous. Joanne thinks we could look that good, too, if we had designer gowns, hair dressers, and big diamonds. I'm pretty sure that's not true. That Joanne, what a card.

I forgot! My favorite part of the Golden Globes was that nobody wore a coat and the women wore little strappy sandals with no socks! Regis had me close the drapes in the living room tonight...he said so nobody saw my ridiculous footwear. What the hell.

I just canceled my swimming date for tomorrow. Getting wet and going back out into the frigid weather is not appealing when a guy doesn't have vortex head. The pool we've been frequenting is lovely, dark, and quiet and it smells like waffles which is soothing at 5:30 in the morning. We don't eat them, we just smell them. Olfactory therapy. But that doesn't change the fact that in the end, out in the cold I go.

Well, there's my brain pickin's for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Send some activated endorphins my way. I'm not much for microfibers, though.

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