Saturday, January 10, 2009

fashion statement

I got a package in the mail yesterday. It felt like clothes but I hadn't ordered anything. Turns out it was a white polo shirt from the driving safely for old people group. I'm not much into white polo shirts and I'm sure not going to wear one with the old people's logo emblazoned on my chest. Ugh. Not much of a fashion statement.

We watched Pineapple Express last night. Regis laughed a lot and I chuckled a few times. It got a little long about 45 minutes into it. Not recommended. We gave it a 2 out of 5 only because we did laugh a few times. Burn After Reading was much better.

More snow and blowing snow coming tonight. Our YakTrax haven't arrived yet but here's the review (with photos) of another blogger. If Charlie can run in them, I should be able to waddle vertically.

I've been busy in the kitchen today. I have a chicken in the oven for something I'm making the end of the week, I made Chex mix for Peter, I tried out the Cuisinart ice cream maker (low-fat high-protein protein ice skim milk), and I made apple sauce out of some wrinkly apples in the back of the drawer.

I vacuumed up the last of the fire extinguisher blast today. That stuff is insidious. You can think you got it all and then you find a shadow of it behind a table leg or covering the side of a the piano. Everybody should have a fire extinguisher, though. Make sure there's one in your house! You can get one that does the job for less than 20 dollars. They make good wedding gifts.

We're having Tex-Mex lasagna tonight for dinner. Only I'm making it with tortillas instead of noodles. The menu for the rest of the week looks like this:

Monday: Slow cooker char siu pork with Chinese vegetables

Tuesday: Spicy honey-brushed chicken thighs with roasted potato wedges

Wednesday: Beef stroganoff with green beans

Thursday: Fried rice and baked apples

Friday: Chicken cobbler casserole

I'm trying some new recipes. The Tex-Mex lasagna got the thumbs up from Regis.

My goal is get every scrap of Christmas stuff gone but I've said that before. It's all piled up in the dining room just waiting for Peter to carry it all down the steps in two trips.

I'm a good starter but a terrible finisher. I know I'll have the thrift store stuff by the front door for weeks. When you live in a wee house, there isn't much you can do but one bag in and one bag out or you'd live in a garbage house before you know it.

Rambled long enough. Back to the Golden Globes.

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