Sunday, May 16, 2010

sunday morning and graduation

I thought I had posted about Peter's graduation but I didn't. I get mixed up about which social media I am engaged in, apparently. I know I posted the photo on Facebook.

Graduation was very nice. I was happy that Peter agreed to participate and I think even he enjoyed it. It's uplifting to hear all those people talk about a guy's wonderful accomplishment in graduating from college. I started weeping when I saw Peter's name in the program and wept through the processional. It was very, very sweet.

Regis and I are having coffee at the dining table, which in our house, is in the living room. I don't care so much for the traditional arrangement of furniture and if I could I would move the bed in here, too. What I like is the big window. We usually sit in the dining room which is where the love seat and easy chair are, but we want to watch the birds.

We made a trip to Pet Expo yesterday and stocked up on bird food. Word is spreading around the neighborhood among the birds..bountiful feast at our house...safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, peanut parts, grape jelly. We've had a female cardinal, lots of finches, and a few robins, so far. We're waiting for grosbeaks and orioles. The juvenile delinquents of the bird world, grackles, are being pigs and making a mess.

We cooked steak and salmon on the grill last night. The new spices from Penzey's were great as a rub on the steaks. I cut sweet potatoes into little chunks and tossed them in some olive oil with salt and pepper. Regis grilled them in a saute pan and they were delicious. Roasted vegetables are so much better than plain old boiled or baked vegetables. Cauliflower is one of our favorites.

 I'm looking over the garden and thinking about what to keep and what to discard. I've had Joe Pye weed for years and loved it, but I think I want it out of there now. My garden isn't big enough for these huge plants. If anybody reading this wants it, let me know. It would look great along a fence or on the back of the yard. It needs to be moved quickly, though, or it will get too big. It's probably five to six feet tall by mid-summer and the monarch butterflies love it.

I'd like to put more hostas in my garden. We have so much shade now and I love the variegated leaves of some varieties.
There is a squirrel digging furiously under the apple tree. He has three holes started and he's up to his shoulders in one. He must have buried a nut there last fall and can't remember where it is. Must be a frustrating way to get one's food. Of course, he spends a little time in my bird feeders and that's not much work for him.

Regis and I are heading to Rochester tomorrow for my annual check-up at Mayo. We decided to make it a little vacation so we're going down after school and staying in a motel. We'll meet Steve and Sherry at the Redwood Room for dinner and spend Tuesday morning lazing around before my appointments. 

There's an oriole hovering in the yard, trying to get to the feeder. The robins are territorial and nobody wants to fight with the grackles.

Another photo from graduation night. Tiffany brought Elliot to graduation and he wasn't exactly happy to be there. What do babies care about stuff like that? It was nice to have them both there, though.

I'm going to stop writing now and get up and do some things. I'd like to spend some time on the patio in the warm part of the afternoon. 

Happy Sunday!

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