Sunday, May 16, 2010

Norwegian Independence Day and cussing

Tomorrow is Norwegian Independence Day, or Syttende Mai. In its honor, I am only going to cuss in Norwegian for the day. I remember, as a child, quizzing my mom about how to swear in Norwegian and she passed on a few nuggets. If you're sensitive about swearing, don't watch the youtube video below. I don't know why anyone would be, however. When I studied linguistics in college, I had a professor (Harry Foster)who used to rant about how swear words were just words and a good dictionary should contain them. It was a way to tell a good dictionary from a mediocre one, he said. I don't cuss at school board meetings or in church, but a good F bomb can be like a balm some days. It's not good to have crap in your head and a good cuss will help scare away those skeletons. So, here you go. Happy Norwegian Independence Day tomorrow. Lutefisk and lefse!


grandma Saum said...

Bad girl, Teresa. Wait until I get my bar of soap and wash out your mouth. I think it was faen toot. Don't ask me what it means.

Anonymous said...

Your Dad used to say he thought every day was Norwegian Independence Day!!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...