Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday holy hell where is this week going?

Regis and I motored off to Rochester on Monday night. My annual appointments at Mayo were Tuesday and we decided to make it a vacation of our favorite variety...close to home and short. We were gone about 28 hours door to door. We had lunch at the Canadian Honker on Tuesday and when we came out, there it was, the icon from our youth: the Wienermobile. Amazing.

We had a wonderful time. When we got to Rochester and pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, I knew something was wrong. We wanted to stay at the same place we stayed last summer but this was a beaten down Comfort Inn. I looked over the hill and there it was, the very new Hampton Inn. We went down there and got a room, then called and canceled the reservation we didn't want.

Cousin Steve and daughter Catie picked us up shortly after and we went to the Redwood Room for dinner. What a fun place. Regis wants to move to Rochester just to hang out at that restaurant. We had a glass of wine and a wonderful pizza in a dark and mysterious bar. What else could you ask for in a night spot?

My appointments went well. I love the doctor who takes care of me at Mayo as he is a nutrition specialist. He's very personable and answers all my weird questions. He was pleased with my progress and we parted ways. I'll go back next year for another update visit.

We had all the kids over for dinner tonight. I had to work all day so Regis did the grocery buying and the house preparation and the cooking. Have you noticed that things sort of go to hell when you have little kids involved? They are hungry earlier than you plan on dinner being done and they and their stuff are under-foot, the little dears. They stumble toward the grill and everyone goes crazy. They take headers into the garden. Ah, well. It was great fun and we're glad they're gone.

How is it that tomorrow is only Thursday? I had a day off this week, for God's sake. Time to call the TRA consultants. I want to be the Avon lady in New Sweden.

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