found this in the do not delete file

I wrote this some time ago and forgot about it. I found it stashed in the do not delete file. It must have been a mental exercise (Oh, yes! Prompted by my internet friend, Karen!)

What I believe…

  1. I believe in the basic goodness of most people.
  2. I believe I was born and I will die. How I spend the days in between is what matters.
  3. I believe in doing something fun every day. That can mean finding fun in the ordinary things I do.
  4. I believe in not doing things I don’t want to do. There are some unpleasant things in life that are necessary to do. I don’t mean those. But I try to avoid things that are done only out of a sense of obligation.
  5. I believe in spending my precious time with people I like and who like me back.
  6. I believe in eating the best food I can afford, the best wine I can afford, and I believe in wearing clothes that sparkle.
  7. I believe I was the best mother I knew how to be to my children but I believe I will always feel sad about things done and not done.
  8. I believe that stories are important.  My stories, everyone’s stories.  And I believe it’s all part of the story.
  9. I believe in the power of words. My experiences aren’t as rich if I can’t share them through words.
  10. I believe in connections between people. If I take the time to visit with people and listen to their stories, we make connections that help us get through and enjoy life.


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