Thursday, December 30, 2010

come to find out

Some things don't sound funny until you write them down, then you think what the hell. That can't be what the expression is, but it is. Come to find out...

Apparently, insurance companies do pay for damage from ice dams. We bought that damn roof rake and spent two hours in roof rake hell for nothing. The next thing will be that all the snow will melt into our basement windows and cause a flood. Yes, we love the four seasons of Minnesota.

We ate the last of the Christmas ham this morning for breakfast. I've had a craving for spicy, Mexican food so we've had quesadillas twice this week and we're making fajitas for dinner tonight. My intent in January is to eat out less and cook at home more.

I'm thinking about the new year. I keep going to a website for the Med City Marathon in Rochester. I'm not really interested in doing it or anything related to it like the half marathon. That training schedule felt oppressive and with my well-developed right brain that avoids pain and unpleasantness, I won't make that mistake again. I like the 5k races but I don't think I want to drive that far to do that. We'll see.

I did decide to start running again in January. The Penguin issued a challenge to move intentionally for 30 minutes a day for 100 days and I can do that.

Regis just replayed the message from the Mankato Clinic that said he should cease and insist trying to send them a text message. You have to see a previous post for that story. That was funny enough but what the message actually said was that he should cease and EXIST.  Cease and exist? WTF. You can't make this stuff up.

I'm trying to make a menu and a grocery list for the first week in January but the ads are still full of holiday food like crackers and chips. I need ideas....should be digging through the old binder. Here we go:

Better get up and do something.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love the tortilla soup recipe you are thinking of making. I have made it a couple of times. Typically I follow a recipe the first time and alter it thereafter, which I did with this one. I added some frozen corn and some black beans, which gave more SW flavor to it.

Would you post your menu each week so I know what to cook the week after?

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...