Monday, September 19, 2011

busy pictures

Ella came over late yesterday with her dad to move some things from one room to the other. She asked about something and I said, "Everything in our house is lost." It's true. There was some hope when we had one room torn apart but now that both rooms are torn apart and scattered over the remaining areas of the house, there is no hope. Ah, well. Here is what we accomplished yesterday.
  • I wiped down every inch of wall and cupboard in the kitchen.
  • We put another coat of paint on all the gold in the kitchen and dining room which means one wall behind the stove and a cubby hole where the previous folks put a hutch.
  • We painted all the dark green and red trim in the kitchen and dining room with Rosemary Sprig. I found a picture online of a room painted with this color but I decided not to post it as it would be deceptive. That room was way too designed and way too clean.
  • We painted the edges of the cupboards over the refrigerator, a project begun in the summer of 2004.
  • We moved all of the living room furniture into the dining room so the floor-laying in the living room can commence today.
I told Regis if that floor guy starts up with the saw today, he might want to warn him to be out of here before I get home from work because I will kick his ass. All of the sawing last week was done with my curtains up and the porch door open so every inch of everything is covered in sawdust. Damn.

For a person who does not do well with this kind of project, I think we've done pretty darn ok. Painting was an impulse that occurred me Friday morning. I picked out paint in one day with the advice of Rose at the hardware store and Amber, a barista at River Rock. It actually works with the other stuff we have which is amazing. It's not how I roll. I usually give no thought to what's already here but just pick out a color I like. Three colors that compliment each other...who'd have guessed it was possible.

I already have plans to paint the hallway, the living room, and the bathroom. There is no end and this is why I prefer to procrastinate and never start.

We have a busy week...haircut at Nate's for Regis, grooming for Gus, Business After Hours (my first hosting gig at River Rock), a community ed class, dog obedience, and an Action for Healthy Kids meeting. The last is a funny story. I agreed to continue doing this meeting this year but most of the information has drifted out of my most things from my past life. I think I can remember where I put the folder and I hope I can access my email account so I can notify people of the meeting. If not, oh well. Life goes on.

I have to mention that a dear, sweet woman we know from the Bothy and from Rock Bend, Rose Bixenman, died yesterday from complications after heart bypass surgery. Very, very sad loss for her family and her friends. We have been going to the Bothy for years and she was always at the door. As with any sudden death, it makes us feel lucky to be healthy and glad to be able to enjoy each day. 

Enjoy some time in the sunshine today. Winter's coming...we need to recharge those batteries.

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