Sunday, September 18, 2011

here's how life pictures

Our new bathroom floor.

The start of the mess in the living room. That's the ugly green carpet that will be leaving on Monday.

In the midst of the mess in the kitchen. Today, we need to match the red paint on the cupboards, paint the woodwork behind where the stove will go, give the gold another coat, paint all the green in the kitchen with a paint called Rosemary Sprig, and then clean the floor and move everything from the living room into the kitchen. Oh, joy.

We took the day off Saturday to go on the semi-annual Govenaire's Drum Corps recruiting trip to the vineyards. Our first stop was Indian Island. They just won the Governor's Cup for their Frontenac Rose.

Jen and Sarah

Joanne, Kathy, and me at the tasting at Indian Island.

Enjoying the patio. It was a cool fall day but nice to be outside.

We had a mystery stop in the middle of the trip...bus driver's choice. John picked the Oleander Saloon in Mankato which made an interesting contrast to the elegance of Morgan Creek. Kelly and Dolores on the left, Ben and Trent on the right.

Dolores bought nose cups which entertained us all no end. It was a hoot seeing everyone on Morgan Creek's patio drinking out of nose cups.

I love this about the patio...people just start visiting together and pretty soon it's one big party.

A lovely couple from Chanhassen we met.

It was a crazy dancing scene at the Cabin Bar on our way home. As my friend Mary said, there aren't too many times you can grind with twenty-five year olds. Ha!

These ladies are dancing on the bar. I did not partake of that activity, fearing I would fall and break a hip.

A more complete photo montage is available at this link if you think you can stand the debauchery.

After a day of eating nothing but cheese, pizza, and popcorn, I think it's time to get in the groove and have some decent victuals. I took steak out of the freezer, we'll grill it and make an arugula salad at the end of our working day. Something to look forward to.

Wednesday or Thursday, all of this mess should be done. I am anxious for it to be over.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love Regis's new nose. Who'd have thought plastic surgery could be so simple?

Hope all has gone well with painting, etc. today. Bathroom floor looks terrific!

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...